Mark the date! On Wednesday, September 1, both open-air Brno’s fashion & design MINT market AND season opening concert for...
JoinedApril 28, 2017
Brno Daily - English News and Events in Brno.
The popular career networking event for expats and bilingual job seekers in Brno and South Moravia will return after a...
One older model white Volkswagen Golf was already familiar to police in Brno-venkov. A couple of weeks ago, the car...
The case of a Brno man with acute psychosis had to be handled by the police intervention unit. Photo Credit:...
In late July, the Chamber of Deputies approved an extension of paternity leave to two weeks, from the current one...
The Czech Republic may see the final heatwave of the summer this weekend, as tropical temperatures return. The high weekend...
The first half of August is a highlight in the calendar of every stargazer with powerful lenses. You can watch...
For three days in August, Brno will be looking back to the events of 1645. The Brno Day event (“Den...
The number of job vacancies in the Czech Republic in July is at a record historical maximum. There are now...
Erick Romero Zamorano is the first Mexican employee working for IKEA Czech Republic. Brno Daily had the opportunity to speak...
Mobile vaccination trucks operated by Podané ruce (Helping Hands) were first seen on the road in June, helping speed up...
Brno continues to invest in projects enhancing public greenery in the city. The City Council will launch three subsidy programs...