The Brno Short Story Writing Contest is returning for the 9th consecutive year, in search of the best short fiction written by Brno residents. This year’s theme is: “Characters and Stories of Brno”. A total of CZK 15,000 in cash prizes are available for the best submissions. The deadline for entries is 18 May.
The BSSWC is free to enter. The short stories must be in English, 2,500 words or less, and address the theme “Characters and Stories of Brno” in some significant way. Entries must be created and written by the entrant, only one entry per person, and submitted by email by 11:59 pm on Sunday, 18 May 2025. Winners will be announced in June.
A total prize pool of CZK 15,000 is on the line. The best short story will win CZK 9,000, second place gets CZK 4,000, and third place is worth CZK 2,000.
The jury includes a cross-section of local cultural icons and writing enthusiasts:
- Don Sparling, a co-founder of the Brno Expat Centre and a longtime leader in the local expat and Masaryk University communities
- Tomáš Kačer, the head of the Department of English and American Studies at MUNI and a translator
- Anna Formánková, a translator and a book editor at Nakladatelství MOBA
- Joe Lennon, a writer for Brno Daily and the Brno Expat Centre, and coordinator of the Writing Lab at Masaryk University
The jury will be instructed that the contest is focused on creating a story that includes the theme “Characters and Stories of Brno” in some significant way. The story is the most important aspect, including writing, originality, character development, and plot development. It is understood that most of the entrants will not be native English speakers and that, in fact, this may be their first attempt to write creatively in English. All entrants should try their best to adhere to the rules of English; however, spelling and grammar will not be critical for success.
For more information, see the contest website at or visit For any queries, please email
- Brno Daily ( and the Brno Expat Centre ( are both media sponsors of the Brno Short Story Writing Contest.