On Wednesday, the Brno Transport Company (DPMB) announced the contractor who will build the tram line extension to the Kamechy housing estate in Brno-Bystrc, following earlier approval by the City of Brno. Preparatory work will begin in January 2025, and trial operation of the extension is expected in December 2027.
The extension will be built by the TT Bystrc-Kamechy EUROVIA + TuCon + Marti Tunnel company, which succeeded with an offer for the work of CZK 1,842,143,177 (excluding VAT).
The project aims to significantly improve the transport accessibility of this area. The newly built 1.4 km long tram line will also include a 320 meter long underground tunnel. The city has entrusted the Brno Transport Company with the preparation and implementation of the building work, and securing financing from European Union funds.

“The construction of a tram line to Kamechy is one of the key strategic plans of the city of Brno,” said the mayor of Brno, Markéta Vaňková. “This is the largest transport structure of this type in the modern history of the city. Together with the construction of the tram line to the university campus, it will be a huge contribution to the development of Brno’s public transport. The new line will not only improve the accessibility of the Kamechy housing estate, but will also contribute to more ecological and efficient transport.”
The final tram station in Bystrc is currently more than a kilometre away from Kamechy, and residents have to use bus connections for their journeys. The extension of the tram line will allow locals a direct connection to the city centre.
The new line will connect to the existing Ečerova tram loop, leading around Vejrostova and through an underground tunnel under Říčanská. It will end with a new loop at the intersection of Hostislavova and Kamechy. In addition to the construction of the tram line, including the 320-meter-long tunnel, the project will involve modifications to the affected roads, bridges, engineering networks and other construction-related investments.

“Preparatory work can be started as early as January 2025, so that the construction can proceed in accordance with the schedule and it can be put into trial operation in mid-December 2027,” said Petr Kratochvíl, Brno city councillor for transport.
The construction contractor will be the TT Bystrc – Kamechy EUROVIA + TuCon + Marti Tunnel company, which won the tender with the lowest bid of CZK 1,842,143,177 excluding VAT.
“At the moment, we are still processing the subsidy from the Operational Program Transport 2021-2027, however, we already know that its amount will be 85% of the total costs of the project,” said the Deputy Mayor of Brno for Investments, René Černý. “This is a great success for us and DPMB, a subsidy of such an amount will significantly facilitate the implementation of this fundamental project.”
The subsidy from the Transport 2021–2027 operational program is obtained through the Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) tool, which the City of Brno administers at the level of the Brno Metropolitan Region.
“We are pleased that DPMB has once again been entrusted to implement such an important transport construction,” said Miloš Havránek, director of DPMB. “The tram line to Kamechy and the extension of the busiest tram line 1 will bring a faster and more efficient connection of this area to the city center. The need for bus connections, and thus also bus lines, will be reduced, which will contribute to smoother, less noisy and more environmentally friendly traffic.”