Brno’s Udolni will close for over a year from the beginning of September, as part of a complete reconstruction costing CZK 400 million. The work will include replacement of the 100-year-old water supply and sewerage system, as well as upgrades to other engineering networks, a new soundproofed tram line, a cycle lane, public lighting, new surfaces on the road and sidewalks, and newly planted trees. According to the contract, the work is scheduled to last 17 months, though the city and the contractor are hoping to finish it earlier. Cars and public transport will not be able to use the street for the duration of the project, though pedestrian passage will be maintained.
The extensive works will take place in the section of Údolní from Husova to the intersection with Jiříkovského, following on from the previous stage of reconstruction of the street, which was completed five years ago.

According to Brno Mayor Markéta Vaňková, the city aims to coordinate as many companies as possible for the project, including municipal services and private gas companies, in order to carry out the greatest amount of work possible at one time, and minimise disruption for local residents and businesses.
“For example, pedestrian access will be preserved, including crossings, and we will create about 80 spare parking spaces and reserve another 10 or so for the clientele of the maternity hospital at Obilní trh,” she said. “Such a demanding construction cannot be carried out without some inconvenience for the locals, but we will try to shorten the originally planned 17-month implementation period.”
During the reconstruction, the street will be completely closed to private and public transport vehicles. Tram line 4 will be replaced by bus line x4, and trolleybus lines 38 and 39 will terminate at Česká instead of Komenského náměstí. More detailed information on public transport measures can be found in the map below.

The project will begin with the necessary reconstruction of the sewerage, water supply and gas pipelines, including connections, according to the Deputy Mayor of Brno for Investment, René Černý. This will be followed by the modernization of the 773-metre section of tram line, primarily consisting of a complete replacement of the tracks and rehabilitation of the subsoil, using modern sound-absorption elements to reduce noise pollution. The Obilní trh and Úvoz tram stops will be renovated to equip them with signals for the blind, shelters, benches, barriers between traffic lanes and the platform area, and information boards. There will also be new road and sidewalk surfaces, public lighting upgrades, traction lines, and enhanced public greenery.
The basic layout of the street will be preserved. In the direction from the centre, there will be a cycle lane and a boarding island at the Obilní trh stop in the Marešova-Úvoz section. There will be cyclopictograms in the opposite direction. In terms of vegetation, some of the existing trees will have to be removed due to excessive dryness and poor health, but the planting of 44 new trees is planned.

The work will be carried out by the ‘Společnost Údolní od Husovy po Úvoz’ consortium of FIRESTA-Fišer reconstruction and buildings a.s., and Dopravní stavby Brno s.r.o. The public contract was won at a bid price of CZK 364,919,923 (excluding VAT).
“Even though passage through the construction site is not ensured by law, we will try as much as possible to allow access to the properties in the area for supply or traffic services, as well as the possibility to park inside these properties. Parking in the construction area is prohibited,” said Martin Matuška, the Director of Dopravní stavby Brno. “Local residents received information in their mailboxes, including the contact for the construction manager, who can issue entry permits. There may be exceptional cases when passage through the construction site will be completely impossible, for example due to loading of material. Therefore, we ask everyone for patience and forbearance when dealing with sudden situations,” concluded Vilém Huryta, deputy director of the Údolní od Husovy po Úvoz consortium and production director of FIRESTA-Fišer.
Up-to-date information on the project will be published on the municipal website and on @brnomycity social media profiles.