Credit: FiF UK, via Facebook

LGBT+ People Face More Harassment in the Czech Republic Than In Other EU States

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63% of people from the LGBT+ community experienced some kind of harassment in the Czech Republic in 2023, including threats of violence or offensive comments. According to a survey released today by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, this is higher than in any other EU country.

Apart from the Czech Republic, harassment in the form of threats of violence was experienced most often in North Macedonia and Albania, though these are not EU member states.

The survey was conducted among more than 100,500 LGBT+ people older than 15 years in all EU states, as well as Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Compared with a similar survey from 2019, violence against LGBT+ people has increased in Europe. The survey also showed that more than one-third of the community considered suicide last year. In the Czech Republic, one in seven LGBT+ people was considering suicide often or always.

Over 50% of LGBT+ people in the Czech Republic do not feel a strong need to hide their sexual orientation or gender identity, but 45% hide it at school. Up to two-thirds of respondents across European countries had experienced bullying at school.

In 2023, 15% of Czechs who identify as LGBT+ said they had faced discrimination related to their orientation or identity at work and when seeking employment, the same as in the previous survey five years before.

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