Das Filmfest is a film festival of German-language cinema, presenting films and documentaries from Germany, Austria and Switzerland that are otherwise unavailable outside those countries. The program ranges from the very niche to international award-winners, from underground films to documentaries. Photo credit: Letní kino Brno-střed
Brno, July 14 (BD) – Das SommerKino has returned to Brno. This year’s festival begins today, 14 July, and features seven movies, including comedies, thrillers and tragedies.
The festival program features seven films which have been successful in previous editions of Das FilmFest. Movies will be displayed in the original with Czech subtitles. Tickets (CZK 50) can be purchased online at http://kinobude.cz/letni-kino/ .
Das SommerKino also takes place simultaneously in Prague, Hradec Kralové and now also in Ostrava.
Sneak peek of the festival program
The comedy One-way to Moscow directed by Micha Lewinsky

Autumn 1989 in Zurich, the fall of the Berlin Wall is imminent. The Swiss police spy on hundreds of thousands of Swiss citizens for their alleged sympathy with the policies of the Soviet Union. An obedient policeman is given the task of saving his country from communist takeover and, as an amateur actor, infiltrating a group of left-wing theatre artists. A comedy about love and self-determination in a society marred by the malevolence of the police.
The thriller Run Lola Run directed by Tom Tykwer

Berlin. Present. A summer day in which minutes decide love, life and death. Lola and Manni are lovers in their twenties. Manni works as a courier for a shady car dealer. However, the last job doesn’t go as planned. He flees into the arms of the inspectors on the subway and loses a plastic bag with 100.000,- DM, which the boss is supposed to pick up in twenty minutes. A desperate Manni calls Lola. What to do? If he can’t get the money, he’ll die. Lola’s brain is working at full speed. She has 20 minutes to get the 100,000, 20 minutes to save Manni’s life. Lola goes out of the house and into the streets of Berlin to run for her life and Manni’s, to get a hundred grand somewhere. Lola is running not as, but for her life.
The tragedy Freistat directed by Marc Brummund

Summer 1968: student riots, Rolling Stones, miniskirts, sexual revolution. But the changes of the 1960s are slow to take hold in the small towns of northern Germany. 14-year-old Wolfgang is not only a rebel at school, he also rebels against his stepfather. He is therefore sent to a church-run institute for hard-to-manage adolescents, where he is to become a “proper young man”. Wolfgang is thrown into a strictly hierarchical world of oppression, where violence is common practice not only on the part of the wardens but also among the inmates themselves. Despite the adverse conditions, he decides to resist the system, even though the price may be high…
Outside of the summer festival, the German-language film festival Das Filmfest has been opening the film festival season every October since 2006. It regularly presents a selection of the most recent films from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, whether high-quality mainstream films, documentaries, or films that have been successful at international film festivals. Das Filmfest introduces Czech audiences to films that would otherwise have a hard time finding their way into local cinemas. At the same time, the festival features appearances from some of the representatives of European cinema.