The government balance sheet remains in deficit, reported the Czech Statistical Office. Title photo: CG / Brno Daily.
Czech Republic, April 7 (BD) – The government balance sheet reached a deficit of CZK 105.2 billion in the fourth quarter of 2021, equivalent to 6.5% of GDP. Revenues stood at 40.3% of GDP, with government spending at 46.8% of GDP.
The general government debt ratio increased year-on-year by 4.2 percentage points to 41.9% of GDP.
Slight Improvement in Q4 2021
In the fourth quarter of 2021, the general government balance sheet improved by CZK 32.3 billion year-on-year, although all subsectors of the government ended in deficit.
The largest share in the year-on-year decrease occurred due to central government institutions, whose finances improved by CZK 32.5 billion, ending with a deficit of CZK 77 billion.