This week, the Academic Senate of Mendel University in Brno elected the current Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jan Mareš (60), as the new Rector. Photo credit: Mendel archive
Brno, March 18 (BD) – Three candidates applied to become the 34th Rector of the university. In addition to Mareš, Martina Lichovníková, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and External Relations, and Martin Klimánek, Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development, also applied. Mareš won in the first round, receiving 19 votes from 31 senators present.
The vote was taken after shortcomings emerged with the previously elected candidate Vojtech Adam, who had to step down due to doubts over the quality of data in his research publications. See our previous article for more information: “Mendel University Rector Steps Down Due To Doubts Over Quality of Data In His Publications”.