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Brno Man Claims Woman He Robbed Was His Grandmother

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A thief had an unusual excuse when he was arrested on Monday evening for snatching a bag from a 57-year-old woman, telling officers that the woman was his grandmother, despite only being 16 years older than him. Photo credit: Freepik

Brno, Feb 18 (BD) – The attack took place as the victim was on her way home to Vinohrady. The 41-year-old thief approached her suddenly and snatched her bag from her shoulder. Recovering quickly, the woman went directly to a nearby police station to report the crime, giving police officers a description of the man and pointing them in the direction that he fled.

Police patrols immediately began searching for the suspect, and after just a few minutes he was spotted in a nearby supermarket with an accomplice, and a bag matching the one that had been stolen. When they saw the police officers approaching, they quickly moved away, leaving the bag behind. 

When asked by the police why they had left the bag lying there, the suspect claimed they had forgotten it. On further questioning, the suspect claimed that the victim was his grandmother, even though she was only 16 years older than him. He was found in possession of her wallet, credit card, house keys, umbrella and telephone, worth around CZK 3,000. The man was arrested, and the case was handed over to Czech Police.

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