In Brief: Brno Man On The Run After Attempted Theft of Vacuum Cleaner

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In early September, a young man caught two thieves red-handed trying to rob his home. One of the men was caught, while the other escaped and is still wanted by the police. Credit: Police CR.

Brno, Sep 27, (BD) – In early September, a young man caught two thieves ransacking his home. One of the thieves was trying to kick down the cellar door, while the other was still holding the vacuum cleaner.

One of the men was caught, while the other is still wanted by the police. The wanted man is about 185cm tall, slender, about 40 years old. The thief had one distinctive characteristic: he lacked pigment from his right hand.

The burglary caused damage of over CZK 30,000, and the charges, including theft and damage to property, could carry prison sentences of up to two years.

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