Compared to opinion polling among adults, Czech schoolchildren are more likely to say “Yes” to the opposition coalitions and “No” to Babis, according to the Student Elections to the Chamber of Deputies. Photo credit: Josef Rabara, Jakub Hlaváč via JSNS. Photo credit: Josef Rabara, Jakub Hlaváč via JSNS.
Czech Rep., Sep 22 (BD) – With Czech legislative elections approaching, the young generation of future voters has given their verdict. The most popular voting choices among Czech schoolchildren were the coalition of Pirates and STAN (30.4%) and the SPOLU (“Together”) coalition of ODS, KDU-ČSL and TOP 09 (29.4%). ANO came third, with just 8.5%.

The Communist Party, often believed to be a relic of the past supported only by the older generations, gained 2.3%, just behind the Social Democrats with 2.4%. Compared to the normal polls, the Green Party is popular with the youth; the schoolchildren placed it fourth with 7.1%. The threshold for entry to the Parliament is 5%.

The 12th year of Student Elections to the Chamber of Deputies, organized by JSNS of People in Need, took place on September 20-21st. Students over 15 years of age could choose from 22 parties, movements and coalitions. A total of 40,899 ballots were submitted by 312 high schools and vocational schools.