For the second year in a row, Brasil Fest will bring the dynamic spirit of Brazil to the streets of Brno, with music, food, and parties. The event will be attended by the Brazilian Ambassadors to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Photo Credit: Michal R / TIC Brno.
Brno, Jul 27 (BD) – Brazil is known worldwide for the carnival: a wild mix of music, dancing, and a unique party atmosphere. This weekend, for the second year in a row, the streets of Brno will be filled with the spirit of the carnival, as Brasil Fest 2021 descends on the city centre from Friday to Sunday. This year, the festival will feature as special guests the Brazilian ambassadors to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, who will be officially received by Marek Fišer, Brno city councillor for culture, at the New Town Hall, which will fly the Brazilian flag throughout the festival.

The festival in the streets of Brno city centre will feature concerts with first-class musicians directly from Brazil, parties, workshops, and the exotic gastronomy of Latin America’s largest country. The opening ceremony will take place on Friday on the summer terrace at Špilberk Castle, with a performance by world-renowned Brazilian guitarist Yamandu Costa.
The main carnival parade will take place on Saturday afternoon, starting from 4pm at Moravské náměstí. Stages at Jakubské náměstí, Zelný trh, and in the courtyard of the Old Town Hall will host performances for the rest of the evening, all free to enter. The headline act on Saturday is the international band Ayom, from Brazil, Angola, Greece and Italy, who describe themselves as “music sailors travelling from Brazil to Africa”. The Sunday program moves to Lužánky Park, with dancing, drumming, and Capoeira workshops throughout the afternoon for adults and children, followed by concerts.

“The first year of the festival was visited by 4,000 people and met with success and a great response, so this year the city has supported the event with a grant of CZK 250,000,” said Fišer. “I believe that it will gradually become another traditional and highly-anticipated event of the Brno summer. I am glad that I can also share the joy of a successful festival with representatives of the embassies of Brazil as guests. Sharing experience and information in every conceivable area, from education and culture to business relationships, is crucial for success in today’s world. Thanks to events such as Brasil Fest, we will get to know each other better and strengthen and enrich our good relations.”
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”398″ gal_title=”Brasil Fest 2020″]Brasil Fest 2020. Photo Credit: Michal R / TIC Brno.