Independent Belarusian Cultural Embassy To Be Established in Brno

The new Embassy of Independent Belarusian Culture in Brno will open on the symbolic date of November 17th, the Czech national holiday and the Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy. The initiative came from the Centre of Experimental Theater in Brno. Photo credit: TMA / BD. 

Brno, Nov 5 (BD) – “The director of the Experimental Theater Centre contacted us and said that as an institution, they organize a happening every year on this date. This year, they want to turn their social commitment in support of Belarus and respond to the current events there,” explained Marek Fišer, Brno Council Member for Culture.

The City of Brno will join the support for Belarusian citizens in their fight for freedom and democracy. Following the display of the traditional Belarusian flag at the main Brno Municipal building, an Embassy of Independent Belarusian Culture will be established in the city in cooperation with the Center for Experimental Theater. The embassy will focus on informing the public about what is happening in Belarus and supporting cultural activities.

Contacts will be established with the Belarusian opposition Coordinating Council, the Belarusian media, cultural institutions and activists in Belarus and abroad, letters from 10 figures from Czech public and cultural life will be sent to Belarusian political prisoners, and events will be organized for a Day of Belarus on March 25th, among other embassy activities.

A contribution of CZK 200,000 to the Center for Experimental Theater for costs related to the project and staffing will be approved by city representatives at their next meeting.

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