The repairs to Brno’s central station in Brno are to be completed by December 15th, on schedule. This will put an end to almost a year of passengers having to use Brno’s other railway stations. Photos: Brno Daily.
Brno, Nov 26 (BD) – Operations at the central station will now be run using a modern technological traffic management system. Passengers will also be able to use a newly renovated hall.
According to the Transport Administration Authority (SŽDC), the reduced service from the station that began on December 9th last year was necessary to renovate two railway bridges, on Křídlovická and Hybešova, and modernize the security system. According to SŽDC, it would not have been possible to ensure further operation of the station without these works.

According to Czech TV, workers are currently completing the renovation of the main building. The interior has already been repainted, and the stucco and marble have been cured. The air conditioning and wiring have been also replaced.

According to Czech Railways and the City of Brno’s websites, the station will reopen after December 14th, with the activation of the new security system. This week’s information from Czech TV refutes earlier concerns reported in several Czech media sources that the station would not be ready to reopen for passengers by the scheduled completion debate.

From November 30th to December 15th it will not be possible to travel between Židenice and the central station. Trains from Slavkov and Blansko will only travel as far as Židenice or Dolní nádraží.
Before its closure in 2018, Brno Central Station was used by 40,000 passengers per day.
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