Credit: TD/BD

Resident Parking System To Be Extended To Žabovřesky Next Year

Brno City Councillors have added one new area to the scheduled expansion of paid parking areas for next year. The parking area in question is the area around Sirotkova, in Žabovřesky (area 2-02). Photo: TD / Brno Daily.

Brno, Nov 12 (BD) – The schedule was drawn up based on the current parking situation in the various areas, the time available for updating signage, administrative considerations, and the requirements of city districts. “After processing the project documentation and evaluating the time and administrative demands, we concluded that we are able to add one extra area next year. Thus, the area 2-02 Sirotkova will be part of the expansion in 2020,” said Petr Kratochvíl (ODS), council member for transport.

Area 2-02 is bound approximately by the streets Mučednická, Zeleného, ​​part of Žabovřeská and Minská, and Horova. According to the current schedule, resident parking rules should come into effect in the area from November 16th, 2020.

In September, the council approved the schedule for areas where resident parking will be introduced next year. The addition of Sirotkova brings the total to 12. In June 2020, areas 1-09 (Křídlovická), 1-10 (Bezručova), 1-21 (Rybářská) and 1-15 (Dřevařská) will be added. In July, the system will be extended to areas 3-01 (Staňkova) and 3-02 (Botanická). Starting in September, 1-06 (Špitálka), 1-07 (Trnitá), 1-16 (Žižkova) and 2-01 (Zborovská) will be added. Finally, from November, the changes will be brought to 3-03 (Chodská) and 2-02 (Sirotkova). The next steps will now be taken towards implementing the system in these areas, including drawing up project documentation, establishing traffic signs, and an information campaign to give residents of the affected areas time to prepare for the new conditions.

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