Advertise With Us

Advertise with Brno Daily and reach the English-speaking community in Brno (with a peak of ~ 100,000 visits in 30 days in April 2020). Since 17 October 2018, Brno Daily has been listed in Google News as a reliable local source of news in English. We offer many advertising options; just take a look and choose what works best for your business.

We can help your business reach international customers in Brno and Prague. Ready for new clients? Get in touch, tell us your ideas, and let us design a campaign that works for you – request your tailored offer now:!

2023 Stats

Showcase your brand, venue, or product to almost 50,000 unique visitors per month with us!

  • Website unique visitors: average 47,500 per 30 days in 2023
  • Social media sharing included (11,000 likes & follows on Facebook, >7,500 followers on Instagram, >3,500 subscribers receive a push desktop / mobile notification on each article publication). Featured in the morning newsletter (1,000 subscribers).

Partner Program and Single Service Pricing

  • Enhance your brand’s visibility among the English-speaking audience in Brno – Brno Daily is well-known to every international resident in Brno.
  • Connection to a significant target group with strong purchasing power
  • Getting known as a expat-friendly business or English-friendly employer
  • Regular updates on publishing, detailed statistics on demand
  • Partnerships are valid for one year, i.e. 365 days. They can be activated at any time during the year and it is possible to extend them.
  • Gifts from our partners (tickets to NdB, Filharmonie Brno, etc.)


Single service pricing on pages 15-16


Ceník jednotlivých služeb strany 15-16

What They Said About Us…

When we applied to participate in JIC Creative Voucher.

Pri našom vstupe na český trh sme zvolili platenú propagáciu v Brno Daily, formou PR článku, so zameraním na expatov, žijúcich v Brne. S propagáciou sme boli veľmi spokojní a splnila naše očakávania. Ako veľké plus hodnotím profesionálny a veľmi milý prístup od samého začiatku spolupráce.

Miloš Horný, marketing Domino’s Pizza

The cooperation with Brno Daily runs well and smoothly and we enjoy plenty of the services they are offering. We have the chance to keep engaged with the community and share useful information about our organization.

Michelangelo Ischia, Communication Specialist, Deutsche Telekom Services Europe Czech Republic

Brno Daily jsme si pro naši inzerci vybrali, neboť se jedná o jediné internetové noviny pro cizince v Brně. Pro naši značku se tak jedná o přesnou propagaci ve skupině, na kterou cílíme.

Mgr. Tomáš Ryšánek, Pafin

Brno Daily nám od začátku naší spolupráce před cca 3 roky vždy poskytovalo velmi profesionální mediální podporu v rámci rostoucí, anglicky hovořící komunity v Brně. Platforma Brno Daily nám pomáhá informovat naši cílovou skupinu o existenci a podstatě naší instituce, stejně jako o konkrétních zajímavých událostech, které se na naší škole dějí. Kvalita služeb BD je dle mého názoru na vysoké úrovni, stejně jako komunikace a spolehlivost jejich zástupců. Vždy jsme byli s výsledky naší spolupráce velice spokojeni.

Jan Švihálek, ředitel International School of Brno

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