Orlí Street in the centre of Brno is set to undergo a major renovation in the coming months, in the section from Masarykova to Josefska. The project will begin with repairs to the gas pipeline, followed by new paving, and ending with the restoration of the street’s well-known tree line. In cooperation with the City Architect’s Office, Brno will also experiment with modern methods of maintaining green spaces in the city centre. The revamped street is expected to be opened to residents and visitors after the summer holidays.
“Orlí is one of the few streets in the historic centre where we can find a continuous tree-lined avenue,” said Petr Kratochvíl, Brno city councillor for transport. “Unfortunately, the trees are withering. We want to rectify this situation and at the same time repair the street surfaces. To achieve the best possible results, we are cooperating on the project with the Brno City Architect’s Office, which systematically deals with greenery and its use in public spaces. The project on Orlí will be a pilot project, where we will test the possibilities of planting greenery in the centre of the city, where we have very limited conditions for doing so.”
The first step will be to remove the existing trees at the end of March, when the vegetation is dormant. Then, in May, workers will move in to repair the private company’s gas pipeline. During the summer holidays, they will be replaced by workers from Brno Roads, who will prepare a larger space for new trees and then lay stone paving. Kratochvíl added that the street’s appearance will match the Brno City Monument Reserve standard, as seen on Solniční. It will be brighter, cleaner and more welcoming, with disabled access, new street furniture, and cycle racks.
The trees will be planted in the street in the autumn to give them time to take root. “There will be 10 thornless species of oak that are resistant to the urban environment,” said Jan Tesárek, director of the Brno City Architect’s Office. “Each one will have enough space for roots and access to rainwater. The planting area will be enlarged, planted with herbaceous perennials and fenced to protect the plantings from damage by cars.”
The cost is currently estimated at around CZK 8.5 million.
In addition to Orlí, the surfaces of Josefská and Minoritská streets are also being prepared for resurfacing. The work is expected to start this or next year.