Flood damage in South Moravia on Saturday. Credit: HZS JMK

Czech Government Deploys Army Troops To Aid Flood-Hit Regions

The Czech government last night approved the deployment of troops and equipment in flood-hit areas of the Czech Republic. Up to 2,000 soldiers may be called up from 17 September to 31 October, Defence Minister Jana Cernochova (ODS) wrote on social media.

Seven army helicopters have been helping with the floods so far, while engineers from the 153rd Battalion in Olomouc have been assisting on the ground.

“The task of the Czech army is clear, to help wherever needed in the most damaged places and to eliminate the consequences of the floods,” said Cernochova. “As we promised, we will do everything we can to help people cope with the consequences of this disaster as quickly as possible.”

The participation of the Czech army, she said, will enable faster provision of assistance to critically affected regions, municipalities and residents.

Soldiers will be dealing with the aftermath of the floods, and will also build replacement bridges in place of bridges damaged or destroyed by the floods, the Defence Ministry said in a press release.

Soldiers have so far been involved in rescue work on the basis of an agreement between the army and the Czech Fire Rescue Service. So far, seven army helicopters have been involved in support of the emergency services, helping to evacuate people from the worst-hit areas or providing supplies. Engineers have also been deployed.

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