Credit: Brno Zoo

New Footbridge Entrance To Brno Zoo Will Meet With Penguins and Wetlands Exhibit

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As well as ongoing work to modify the entrance area to the Brno Zoo, an entirely new one is being constructed from Ondrova, with access to the park via footbridge. As part of this work, a new exhibition area is being created in the immediate surroundings of this entrance, featuring penguins and a new wetlands exhibit area.

According to Deputy Mayor Filip Chvátal, the new entrance building will consist of two separate buildings, one housing the cash desk and souvenir shop, the other a restaurant. Both properties will have green roofs. The plans also include a 290-space car park in the southern part of the plot, furthest from the building. As much greenery will be planted in the area as possible. Part of the plans include a footbridge over Ondrova, ending under the path leading to the polar bear exhibit. There should also be an elevator. The construction of the footbridge will cost CZK 27 million, and of the whole new entrance CZK 241 million. 

The planned wetlands and penguins exhibit will be built in stages by the zoo, one level below the end of the footbridge. 

The City of Brno is currently preparing a tender procedure to select a designer who will prepare the plans for the entire project, which will also include housing for the elderly and a kindergarten.

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