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Interior Ministry Warns of Possible Serious Flooding Over The Weekend

The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMU) yesterday issued a warning against extreme rainfall and the risk of flooding on Friday and Saturday.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Interior Minister Vit Rakusan (STAN) called on organisers of social events to consider whether it was safe to hold them on Friday and Saturday because of the flood risk.

According to Environment Minister Petr Hladik (KDU-CSL), the forecast of extreme rainfall is similar to that of the major floods in 1997 and 2002.

According to the CHMU warning, more than 300 millimetres of rain may fall in some areas of the Czech Republic from Thursday to Sunday. Some streams may reach the level to pose a flood risk.

The heaviest rain is expected in the Jeseniky mountains, where more than 300 litres of water per square metre are expected to fall over the next four days.

The most serious flood risks are on the rivers that drain this mountain range and other mountainous areas in the north-east of the country.

Hladik held an online meeting with regional governors yesterday afternoon to discuss the flood risk. The Central Flood Commission will meet today.

It is not only classic floodplains that are at risk, he said; flash floods could also occur in places where they do not normally. In addition to rainfall, he warned of strong winds that could cause trees to fall.

Rakusan asked organisers of social events to consider whether it is safe to hold them on Friday and Saturday. “Logically, this applies mainly to events that are somewhere near watercourses and the like. I would strongly recommend that they are not actually held there,” Rakusan said. He also warned against possible flood tourism, which could complicate the work of the emergency services.

The interior minister urged municipal leaders across the country to check their flood and evacuation plans. “We will also be talking to the governors today and we will ask them to check all the channels of communication that lead towards the mayors,” he added.

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