Average Czech Wage Reached CZK 37,839 In Q4 2021

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the average gross monthly wage in the Czech Republic hit CZK 40,135, an increase of CZK 1,551 (4.0%) from the same period in 2020. Consumer prices increased by 6.1% over the same period, so in real terms the wage fell by 2.0%. The volume of wages increased by 4.8%, and the number of employees increased by 0.8%. Photo credit: Freepik

Czech Rep, 8 March  (BD) – In the 4th quarter of 2021, the average gross monthly nominal wage per employee was CZK 40,135, 4% more than in the same period of 2020, according to Jitka Erhartova, head of the labour statistics department at the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO). “However, consumer prices increased by 6.1% in this period,” she added. “Therefore, wages fell by 2% in real terms. Throughout 2021, inflation reached 3.8% and nominal wage growth was 6.1%. Thus, the real wage increased by 2.2%.”

Broken down by sector, the highest wage growth compared to 2020 was seen in real estate (14.2%) and accommodation, food and beverages (9.7%). The year-on-year decline in wages in health and social care of 8.1% reflects the high base effect last year, when extraordinary bonuses were paid during the first wave of the covid pandemic.

The median wage (CZK 34,360) increased by 4.9% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching CZK 36,792 for men and CZK 31,720 for women. Eighty percent of employees received wages between CZK 17,221 and CZK 65,753.

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