How better to start a new year than with a good deed? The city is announcing the fifth year of the January collection, which helps organizations caring for children in Brno. This year it will focus on art supplies, which will go to children from Klokánek, Chovánka and the Dagmar children’s home. Credit: Freepik.
Brno, Jan 03 (BD) – Crayons, drawing and colored papers, plasticine, glue, watercolors – in short, any art supplies that are suitable for children; these are the subject of the City of Brno’s 2022 collection, which begins today. Items collected will go to contributory and non-profit organizations that help children in the city – specifically to the Dagmar children’s home, the Klokánek Endangered Children’s Fund and the Chovánek family children’s center.
The collection, supported by various Brno organizations dedicated to children, is taking place for the fifth time in January – this year, following toys, books, and pajamas, the collection will focus on art supplies. They can be brought to the Department of Health of the City of Brno (Dominikánské nám. 3), the Chovánka gatehouse (Vejrostova 8, Bystrc) or Klokánka (Michalova 4, Líšeň) until the end of January. Only unused arts supplies will be accepted.