The sailing season of the Brno Transport Company (DPMB) was a great success. Its boats carried 286,000 passengers in six months, the highest number since the 1980s. Credit: DPMB via Twitter.
Brno, Nov 3 (BD) – The Brno Transport Company (DPMB) has ended the 75th sailing season on the Brno Dam.
“After a long time, the Brno Dam and its surroundings have received the attention they deserve,” said the Mayor of Brno, Markéta Vaňková (ODS). “This is also the time of covid, which made tourists plan more holidays within the country and look for excursion destinations in their surroundings. Another factor is the purity of the water in the dam, which, thanks to the measures taken to eliminate cyanobacteria, allowed swimming throughout the season. The DPMB boats carried 286,000 passengers. Such an interest in boat transport was last seen in the 1980s, when the numbers exceeded 300,000.”

In addition, there has been a reviving demand for private trips, most of which are corporate events, celebrations or weddings. The number of these dropped from 200 in 2019 to 88 in 2020, due to covid, and increased to 146 this year.
With the end of the sailing season, the winter months will see the annual restoration of the external coatings, on-board equipment, and other repairs.
The boats will return in April next year, with the start of the new season. DPMB is already planning the next few years. “We want to continue modernizing the stops serving our ships. We are therefore preparing for the reconstruction of the Pod Trnůvkou and Veverská Bítýška stations,” said the General Director of DPMB, Miloš Havránek. “Both stops will be accessible, equipped with benches and shelter, in short, more attractive and more comfortable for passengers. Depending on the progress of the construction process and the financial situation, we will carry out these projects in 2022 or 2023.”
This year the company celebrates the 75th anniversary of the start of public transport on the Dam.