The Serial Killer Festival is coming back to Brno on October 21st-26th, offering first previews of the most interesting TV and web series from all over Europe, with special appearances from their creators. The 4th edition of the festival will take a hybrid form with both online and physical screenings and events in Brno. This year’s ‘Serial Killer’ revolves around Belgium. Photo Credit: Serial Killer 2020.
Brno, Sep 7 (BD) – The International Serial Killer Festival is the most important event of this kind in all of Central and Eastern Europe and aims to become a landmark in the TV and online series calendar. European TV directors, ministers from the Czech Republic and Belgium, and TV producers are among the special guests invited to participate in the 4th edition of the international competition festival of TV and web series.
Unlike the last few years, the Festival will start with the Professional TV Days, bringing personalities from across the European Cinema and TV series world together to meet each other and exchange their ideas and know-how.
Serial Killer challenges stereotypes about TV series
The festival was born in 2018 after an eureka moment for the Czech entrepreneur and producer Kamila Zlatušková, allowing local creators, leaders of the European TV market and fans to meet in an international event, unique of its kind in all Central and Eastern Europe.

In addition to promoting so-called high-quality TV, the festival’s purpose is to “kill” the stereotypes that revolve around the Central-Eastern productive industries and provide key Western producers the opportunity to watch, buy and promote cultural products that they would not otherwise come across.
The festival is held annually in Brno, but this edition, similar to the last one, will take place in hybrid form. Viewers will have the opportunity to see both live previews and to watch part of the series on the VOD platform DAFilms. “The Serial Killer Festival works on the principle of ‘tasting’ the best contemporary series. This means that you can watch the first two episodes of each series,” said the organizers.
Belgian humour in “Fokus” this year
As every year, Serial Killer has a special “Fokus” section; this year dedicated to Belgian television production. Organizers promise “mysterious themes, prostitution and the white meat trade, but also crazy comedies with quirky characters, to give you just a few names – ‘Sense of Tumour’ (BEL, 2018), ‘a comedy about cancer’, about an ambitious medicine student who is diagnosed with a tumor, ‘De Dag’ (BEL, 2018), a top-class Belgian drama about the work of police negotiators, or ‘Albatros’ (BEL, 2020).about a weight loss camp that could help a dozen participants in a lifelong struggle with overweight or become one of the most traumatic experiences.
On Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021 Cabaret des Péchés will be the unusual location for the opening ceremony. In the following “Progressive Killer” ceremony, producer Tereza Polachová from HBO Europe will be awarded as this year’s winner.
On September 23rd, 2021 some of the most important political and creative personalities of the cultural and communication sector will be guests: the Czech Culture Minister Lubomír Zaorálek will launch the second day of the festival. Benjamin Dall, Belgian Media Minister, will join him. General Director of the Czech Television Petr Dvořák and the General
Director of the Belgian VRT Frederik Delaplac will also be present on this eventful day.
However, the main attraction of Thursday’s program is certainly the Belgian series ‘Albatros’, whose preview will be presented at the Bolek Polívka theater. A Belgian Style Party, in the First-Republic Café Savoy, will be the cherry on the top that will close this second day.

On Friday, Czech and Slovak culture will be the main focus. Štěpán Hulík, Tomáš Hrubý and Michal Reitler, the creators of first-class Czech series ‘Suspicion’ [Podezření], will be the special guests. Last but not least, the Prison band of Petr Čtvrtníček Wsedě will accompany the audience towards the end of the day’s program. Podezření will represent Czech Republic in the main award competition.
The fullest and richest day of the festival program is the last one. On Saturday September 25th, the winners of the best Eastern European TV and web series will be announced.
Preview TV series, high-profile guests, live music, parties, lectures and much more await at the Serial Killer Festival. For updates on Serial Killer and the announcement of specific screenings, premieres and special guests, follow the festival on Facebook, and sign up for Brno Daily’s free newsletter.
Brno Daily has been a media partner of Serial Killer since its first edition.