Written by Anita Andrášová and edited by Kay Pearse. Photo: Cast of ¨Largo Desolato¨ play celebrating Vaclav Havel in 2019. Credit: Tom Karola courtesy BEST Divadlo.
Brno, Oct 2 (BD) – The 20/21 BEST divadlo season will open with the play Sunday on the Rocks by Theresa Rebeck, a two-act play centered around four women dealing with the struggles of being just that – women. Written and set in early 2000s, the play is still relevant today, and combines light and sarcastic comedy with the heavy topics of abortion and abuse. Drinking Scotch on a Sunday morning is just the starting point and, as the day unravels, so do the conflicts between the characters. As a women-centered play, it will have an all-female cast and director.
The director, Anita Andrášová, has plenty of experience as an actress. She has been part of BEST since its inception, and is currently looking for ways to be more involved with the group. Sunday on the Rocks is her debut as a director.

The cast has been working on the play since February. It was postponed in March due to the pandemic, so the team has been given more time to devote to the play, although it was barely necessary. All of the actresses treat their roles with utmost seriousness and have contributed much to the development of their characters. They have worked relentlessly during and between rehearsals and it is bound to show on stage once the play is available to the public.
As the play takes place in early 2000s, the era which the cast remembers only too vividly, they took a particular pleasure in assembling their own costumes which, while still needing to be approved by the director, were left to the freedom and creativity of the actresses themselves. As a result, each character has a complex personality created, not only from the playwright’s imagination but also by the actresses in their acting and costuming.
All of the cast have already acted in a BEST performance and the audience may remember them from plays such as Wenceslas Square, The Real Inspector Hound, and Largo Desolato.

Don’t miss out on this gentle yet thought-provoking play and come see its premiere on Monday, October 12, or one of its subsequent productions. See the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/375017830175234/. You can also purchase your ticket via Go Out: https://goout.net/en/artists/best-divadlo/gcoeg/.