Trousers, shoes, jackets, underwear, blankets or sleeping bags. The community clothes closet in the Brno Municipality building at Křenová 20 is most in need of men’s clothes. Clothes can be brought on the first Wednesday of every month from 4-8pm, or after prior arrangement. The clothes are then donated to homeless people. Photo Credit: Z. Kolařík / MMB.
Brno, Feb 27 (BD) – “Most of all we need men’s shoes, tracksuits, jeans, sweatshirts, and jackets, and there are never enough underwear or socks. In the winter season, we would also appreciate donations of blankets or sleeping bags, and we can also use bed linen, tea towels or towels,” said Ondřej Baláš, head of the social care team. Donating clothing items directly impacts people’s lives: “In our experience, women’s and children’s wardrobes get renewed more often, while men often keep wearing clothes until they fall apart,” said the team.

No clothes will be refused. “We will either use them for our clients, mostly homeless people, or in cooperation with other departments, such as mother and child refugees,” said Gabriela Chlubná, head of the Department of Social Care. Clothing unsuitable for the community closet will be sent to the Baltazar charity bazaar. Proceeds from Baltazar are used to sponsor the activities of the Brno Diocesan Charity.

Community clothes closets are a source of free clothing for people in need around the world. In Brno, the community clothes closet is run by the Brno Municipality’s Department of Social Care on Křenová.