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Court Liquidates Czech Branch of Night Wolves Biker Club

The Regional Court in Brno has ordered the liquidation of the NV Europe MC association, the legal operating name for the Czech branch of the Russian Night Wolves motorcycle group, because it is registered at a location which does not exist, Seznam Zpravy reported today.

The association is therefore failing to fulfil its legal obligations.

The decision on the liquidation was made last October. The court stated that the association had not provided a legal reason for the use of the premises where it was registered, nor had it submitted a proper application to register a new registered office.

The Russian motorcycle club has ties to President Vladimir Putin. It organizes expeditions to European countries to mark the anniversary of the end of World War II. Some countries view these trips as a provocation and a security risk. The club is considered an extreme nationalist group and its leader Alexander Zaldostanov is on the US and EU sanctions list for supporting Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

The NV Europe MC association was established in 2018. Its official seat is in an apartment block in Brno-Cerna Pole. According to the server, the association has no sign on the house and nobody answered the bell.

Other firms belonging to the Czech head of the Night Wolves were officially registered at the same address until 2023, the server reported. These firms received state subsidies and owned a building in Mikulov used as a brothel. One of the firms owns premises in Sokolnice near Brno, where the Night Wolves used to meet.

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