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Europe’s Exclusive Tech Exec Debate: A World Premiere in O2C Technology

The keynote presentation of Callisto Grand’s ninth annual conference is returning again to Brno, this time virtually. Get informed about the relationship between working from home (WFH), cyber security and hacking, and the economic outlook from a tech perspective. Photo credit: Freepik / For illustrative purposes.

Czech Rep., Sep 12 (BD) – On September 16th, CEOs from five of the world’s most advanced service providers of O2C technology will participate in a presidential-style debate and share their vast knowledge on key issues. This will be the ninth such conference organised by the Callisto Grand, but the first time it will be held virtually.

The webinar, entitled “Europe’s Exclusive Technology Executive Debate”, is a major international conference organised by Brno-based Callisto Grand. Experts and tech leaders will share their experiences on the relationship between working from home, cyber security, and AI, as well as discussing tech flexibility and its global reach. The debate will be moderated by Tom Bangemann, Senior Vice President of the Hackett Group.

The webinar will include debates from several leaders in Tech. Image: Courtesy of Callisto Grand.

The web conference’s main partners are Hackett, Rimila, Serrala, Highradius, and Order2Cash.

This conference is for those who want to understand how the current situation will drive change in companies that were previously resistant to it. It is also ideal for networking.

All proceeds from the registration fees will be donated to the charity Wateraid.

For more information and registration click here

Brno Daily is a media partner of Callisto Grand.

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