Normal teaching will resume at Masaryk University at the earliest on May 15th, following a decision yesterday by rector Martin Bareš. The university will postpone the examination period until September. Photo credit: KK / Brno Daily.
Brno, Mar 24 (BD) – “We are doing our utmost to ensure that students’ rights are respected. We are doing everything we can to prevent students from missing the semester, allowing them to submit their seminar or final theses, take examinations including state exams within the deadlines, or postpone deadlines where necessary due to the restrictions,” said Bareš, adding that the specific arrangements would correspond to the situation at individual faculties.
Entrance tests, which are a prerequisite in the student admission procedure at most faculties, will take place on June 20th and 21st instead of in April. Around 15,000 students are expected to take the entrance tests.
As education moves online during the coronavirus outbreak and the school closes its libraries, around 15,000 publications have been made available online for its students.
At the moment, the university is playing an active role in the response to the crisis, providing student volunteers and the use of its laboratories and research facilities.