Credit: KK/BD

Most Czechs Are Satisfied With Their Lives, According To CVVM

Just under three-quarters of Czechs are satisfied with their lives, according to a poll by the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CVVM). 18% are very satisfied and 53% are rather satisfied, while 8% expressed dissatisfaction and the remaining fifth are undecided on this question.

The results are similar to the previous survey in February.

“Over a longer time comparison, we see a slight decrease in satisfaction compared to 2022 and mid-2023,” the pollsters said. Midway through last year, 77% of people were satisfied with their lives, compared to 76% in 2022.

Satisfaction increases with educational attainment and household income, but decreases with age. “Depending on political orientation, as one moves from left to right in terms of self-identification on the right-hand scale, satisfaction increases,” the statisticians noted. Voters of the ruling parties are more satisfied, while those of Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) are less satisfied.

Higher satisfaction prevails among people in the Liberec, Hradec Kralove and Pardubice regions, while the inhabitants of the Karlovy Vary, Usti, and Moravia-Silesia regions, where unemployment is the highest, evaluate their lives as worse. “In terms of marital status, those who are divorced are less satisfied, while people who are still single or married are more satisfied,” the authors of the report added.

The survey was conducted from March 15 to June 2 and 951 people took part.

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