Credit: Filip Leder, via Facebook

Minska Open Street Party Takes Over Brno-Žabovřesky On 21 June

The annual Minska Open street party will take place on 21 June. The event aims to cater for the whole public, from families and children to young adults and older people.

The party will include programs in different locations: for families with children at the FC Svratka football field on Kovařovicova from 4pm to 10pm, on the grassy area in front of the town hall, and a stage for entertainment on Burianovo náměstí, near the chapel. 

At 6pm there will be a ceremonial opening on the main stage in front of the Brno-Žabovřesky district hall, and at 9pm there will be a surprise party. 

The whole program will end as usual at 2am on Minska and Horova.

Thanks to a derogation on the normal night-time limit and the City of Brno’s rules on disturbing the night peace, a later end time for the event, including cleaning, has been approved for the early hours of Saturday morning, until 4am.

The usually busy streets of Minska and Horova will be closed to traffic for the whole duration of the event, from 2pm on 21 June until 4amm on 22 June, and will be devoted only to entertainment and gastronomy.

Another reason for the closure of the streets is the considerable security and technical measures which will be required, as tens of thousands of people are expected to visit the event. 

The event is free of charge for visitors, thanks to financial support from the Brno-Žabovřesky district and the City of Brno.

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