The extension of the tram to Kamechy has received planning permission, and the city is still exploring route options for the extension to Bosonohy. Image: Planned route of extension to Kamechy. Credit: Brno City Municipality.
Brno, Dec 19 (BD) – Preparations are continuing for two future extensions of the Brno tram network, to connect fast-growing suburban neighbourhoods to the rest of the city.
Kamechy is one of the fastest growing districts in Brno. To improve transport services to this residential district on the border of Bystrc and Žebětín, the municipality is preparing a 1.5 km extension of the tram line from the Bystrc-Ečerova tram loop directly to the new development, leading past Vejrostova and then through a new 320-metre tunnel under Říčanská, ending in a new loop at the intersection of Hostislavova and Kamechy. The entire section will be fully accessible, and will include three new stations. The costs are currently estimated at just under CZK 3 billion. Last week, the project received planning permission, and is hoped that construction could begin at the end of 2024.

“The residential district of Kamechy is still developing and growing,” said the mayor of Brno, Markéta Vaňková. “In terms of transport services, residents are dependent on individual transport or bus lines, which for many also means several transfers. The extension of the tram line will mean a direct connection from the city centre and an increase in the capacity of the connections. We assume that we could start construction already at the end of 2024, and if everything goes according to plans, the first trams could pass through here three years later, in 2027.” She added that the project will be a joint investment of the city and the transport company, which will apply for a CZK 2.4 billion subsidy from the Operational Program for Transport 2021-2027.
Regarding the second plan, for the introduction of tram transport to Bosonohy, the city is at the beginning stages of preparations. Currently, the nearest tram line ends at the Starý Lískovec loop, which is insufficient in the long term. Therefore, in 2022, the Brno City Architect’s Office prepared a territorial study for a possible extension. This will now be followed by a technical study, to specify where the new line will lead. This will be carried out by the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Brno Technical University, which won a public tender for the order.
“Specifically, this would be the continuation of the tracks from the existing loop, crossing Chironova, and continuing towards the new development in Bosonohy,” said Brno City councillor for transport Petr Kratochvíl. “We will learn from the technical study how exactly the track could look and where it should ideally lead. It will also clarify the overall solution for all users of the public space. At the same time, the contractor’s study must be based on the city’s strategic plans.”
The technical study should be completed within three months from the effective date of the contract. It has not yet been specified when the extension from the Starý Lískovec loop might begin construction.