VMO Bauerova will complete the southwestern segment of the VMO route and significantly improve the flow and safety of road traffic in the Pisárky district. Photo credit: Brno City Municipality.
Brno, Apr 17 (BD) – The Roads and Highways Directorate began construction last week of a new section of the Outer City Ring Road (VMO) in Brno. The work applies to the I/42 VMO Bauerova, which completes the southwestern segment of the VMO route and which will significantly improve the flow and safety of road traffic in the Pisárky district.
The aim of the construction, which should be completed next year, is to carry out upgrades on the layout of the VMO and prepare for the new traffic situation following the completion of the Žabovřeská VMO, as well as the upcoming construction of the Multifunctional Sports and Cultural Centre on the premises of the Brno Exhibition Centre.
Currently, the road does not have median dividing elements between the four lanes; these will be added during the current construction. Another drawback is the almost unlimited access from the parking areas along the Brno Exhibition Centre and from level crossings for pedestrians, which often cause traffic jams and accidents. As part of the construction, level crossings will therefore be removed and two new footbridges will be built, to direct local and pedestrian traffic away from the VMO.
This is the fourth section of the VMO currently under construction. All four parts (Žabovreská, Rokytova, Tomkovo náměstí and Bauerova) will come into operation next year. The work also includes the construction of a service road for public transport and parking areas, which will be used for access to the Riviera swimming pool, the exhibition centre and the multifunctional hall. Other work in the vicinity is also related to the VMO Bauerova project, including the Lipová tram loop and the anti-flood measures on the Svratka river.
The construction work requires traffic restrictions on Bauerova, which came into operation from 12 April. Further changes will be implemented from 22-26 April due to an event taking place at the Brno Exhibition Center. Two-way traffic will be maintained during these stages. See the maps below for details. Further restrictions are expected, but have not yet been announced.