The MINT Market will be held in Trnice Brno again in December. Photo credit: MINT Market.
Brno, Nov 30 (BD) – MINT Market is a designer market bringing together fashion, original jewellery, organic cosmetics, paper goods, toys, and delicacies. Though it takes place throughout the Czech Republic, its origins are in Brno. On Saturday and Sunday 10-11 December, the market returns to its hometown for the last time this year, and will once again take over the entire building of Trznice Brno on Zelny trh.
The market, which will present over 100 Czech, Slovak, and Ukrainian creators, will open for visitors on Saturday from 11am to 6pm and on Sunday from 10am to 5pm. As usual, entry will be free and fully accessible. DJ Marthy will provide musical accompaniment to the shopping opportunities.

MINT is run by a group of people who have been organising design markets since 2010. The markets have now grown to 18 cities, and others are still being added. The markets are known for their relaxed atmosphere and wide selection of fair-trade, eco, bio, zero-waste, and upcycled products. Those selling their products at the event are mostly independent designers and producers from the local area. “Supporting small and local brands has been one of our project’s fundamental ideas from the beginning,” said manager Lenka Šašková. Over 12 years, the team has run more than 300 events, attended by over 1.2 million visitors.