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Another Hot Week In The Czech Republic, With Showers Over The Weekend

Rain is expected early and late in the week, with showers particularly affecting the weekend, when average temperatures will drop by more than 10°. During the week the maximum temperature will be 29° and the minimum 10°, with Friday particularly warm. Photo Credit: Freepik

Czech Republic, June 20 (BD) – Rain is expected throughout the country on Monday, most likely in the afternoon. The air humidity will be around 70 percent, with an average temperature of 24°. Weak south-westerly winds of 2-6 mph are forecast through the week.

Tuesday will be sunny with scattered clouds remaining for a few days, but no further rain is expected until Saturday. Midweek highs could hit around 30°, with low wind and plenty of sunshine, especially on Friday.

Rain is expected throughout the day on Saturday, with a more than 80% chance of showers; average temperatures will drop below 20°. Sunday will also be rainy, with temperatures dropping as low as 16° and humidity rising to 92%.

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