The event focuses on the problem of the visually impaired and concentrates mainly on raising public awareness in the area of offering assistance to the visually impaired and presenting spatial orientation. Photo: picture from a previous event during which people were facing the same difficulties as blind and visually impaired people. Credit: Tyfloservisem
Brno, 22 May (BD) – The City of Brno’s Department of Health, in cooperation with partner organisations, is organising a special event on Náměstí Svobody on 25 May, from 10am to 6pm. ‘Don’t be afraid of me!’ (“Neboj se mě!”) aims to inform the public on the obstacles faced every day by blind and visually impaired people. The event is sponsored by the 1st Deputy Mayor of Brno, Petr Hladík.
Humans are used to receiving 80% of their information through their sense of sight. The event aims to recreate the experience of what it is like to become blind, or to lead a life with severe visual impairment. The aim is to use direct experience to teach people how to eliminate the fear of communication with visually impaired people. The event poster expresses this concept as experiencing what a ‘human being’ normally cannot: “what is impossible to see”.