This Tuesday in Beijing, the Czech snowboarder retained her Olympic title in the parallel giant slalom, which she first won in Pyeongchang in 2018. She will try to do the same with the super-G title, which she took by surprise four years ago. Photo credit : Freepik
Czech Republic, Feb 8 (BD) – In 2018, Ester Ledecka was one of the revelations and stars of the Games, at 22 years old. In PyeongChang in 2018, she made history by becoming the first woman to win two gold medals in two different disciplines at the Winter Olympics.
If her victory in parallel slalom was expected, so much so that she dominated the discipline at the time (with four big crystal globes between 2016 and 2019), nobody had seen it coming in the Super-G, in which she had never been on the podium of the World Cup.
On Tuesday, she won her second Olympic title in parallel giant snowboarding, her favoured discipline, by dominating the competition throughout the day. The Czech queen of snowboarding won the final against the Austrian Daniela Ulbing, who left at the end of the race.
Ledecka will only have three days to recover from her victory; on Friday, she will again attempt a Super-G gold medal in Alpine skiing.
“Inside, I feel like I’m half snowboarder, half skier,” she said in October 2021, at a media day for her equipment supplier Atomic.
Když medaili, tak jedině zlatou!
— Český olympijský tým (@olympijskytym) February 8, 2022
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