Pile of colorful warm clothes on wooden background.

Brno Theatre Offers Coffee and a Tour For Donating Clothes to the Homeless

On Saturday, the Koráb Theater on Jánská in Brno is accepting donations of clothes. In return, donors can enjoy a free coffee or tea and a tour of the new theatre stage in the Dům U Tří knížat building. All donations will go towards helping the homeless at the Diocesan Charity’s walk-in day center. Photo Credit: Freepik / Illustrative Photo.

Brno, Feb 28th (BD) – A collection of clothes for the homeless is being organised by the Koráb Theatre in Brno, in cooperation with the Brno Diocesan Charity. Anyone donating will receive a warm welcome, “I will personally make coffee or tea for the donors and take them to the theater, where they can see the work of photographer Petra Kroupová,” said Radim Koráb, the principal of the theater. The event will take place in compliance with current anti-epidemic measures and hygiene regulations.

What you need to know about the Clothes drive at Koráb Theater

Location: Dům U Tří knížat, Jánská 12, Brno-střed 

Date: Saturday, March 6th, 2021 

Time: 10am – 5pm  

What to bring? 

Clothes, shoes, towels, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, blankets (suitable for survival on the street). Men’s clothes are needed the most, especially high-quality men’s shoes or warm winter jackets. 

What not to bring? 

Women’s and children’s clothing, dresses, coats, suits, costumes, pajamas, elegant clothes and shoes are not suitable for donation.   

Why should people donate? 

“The 2019 census by the Research Institute of Labor and Social Affairs showed that at least 23,800 people are living homeless in the Czech Republic. Extreme social exclusion deserves attention,” said Hana Hásová, responsible for theatre production. “It simply came to our notice then. These include mental illness, severe debt, the experience of long-term violence or insufficient family support.”

Items donated will be passed on to the walk-in day center of the Diocesan Charity (‘‘Nízkoprahového denního centra Diecézní charity’’) which is visited by around 100 homeless people every day and 1,200 different clients a year. The items will be sorted by social workers so that those in need can receive them immediately. 

“It’s hard to imagine what these things could mean to many people. For example, shoes or socks will literally save a person on the street. Adequate and clean clothing saves life, health, dignity,” explained Zuzana Csontosová, a social worker at the Day Center.

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