These days, pedestrians in Brno city centre might come across one of Leoš Janáček’s life-sized paper figurines, which can connect them with the music of one of the most recognized Czech classical composers. Photo credit: TIC Brno.
Brno, Sep 28 (BD) – “Leoš Janáček is the number one Czech opera composer internationally, and one of the 20 most played opera composers in the world. The Brno Tourist Information Centre (TIC) strives to teach people across the Czech Republic and around the world about his work. Thanks to TIC, Janáček has his own website, an original collection of souvenirs, a hiking trail, and for his 165th birthday, he received the honour of a tram with characters from his operas,” said Jana Janulíková, director of TIC Brno.

The figurines are life-size, and each bears a unique QR code connecting to an audio sample of Janáček’s music at The installation is intended for everyone, as the figurines enable “listening in a non-traditional environment,” said the TIC.

You can run into one of 16 Janáčeks, in Masarykova, náměstí Svobody, Zelný trh and other places in the city centre. The figurines’ locations are marked on a map available at: – along with clippings of his music.
During the upcoming Janáček Festival, people can also sample some of Janáček’s favorite sweets in selected cafés and patisseries in Brno.