The 1970’s Monty Python sketch “The Ministry of Silly Walks” has acquired a cult following, and the International Day of Silly Walks is now upon us. Photo: Česká Street in Brno. 8th International Day of Silly Walks in Brno, January 7, 2019. Credit: CG / Brno Daily.
Brno, Jan 3 (BD) – Last year, several dozen people joined the silly walk parade around the centre of Brno. This year, the organizers are calling on all Monty Python fans to help break the record of 200 silly walking participants.
The idea was inspired by the Monty Python sketch starring John Cleese as a civil servant at the fictional UK government department, the “Ministry of Silly Walks”.

Although not an official national holiday, this day is celebrated around the world by all loyal fans of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. “Silly Walks” take place in a number of cities around the world; one of the biggest silly parades was organized in Budapest, Hungary, on April Fools’ Day last year. Similarly, the Dutch town of Spijkenisse near Rotterdam opened a special “Silly Walks” crossing with a traffic sign with a man in a bowler hat in 2018, and a pedestrian underpass near Eindhoven Central Train Station was painted with Silly Walks instructions – giant pictograms of Cleese.
“Come to help spread the phenomenon of Silly Walks before it disappears completely! Come on Saturday, January 4th, to the ninth year of Silly Walks through the City of Brno, to break the record of 200 participants. Participation in a suit with a bowler hat and suitcase is welcome, but not a condition! And believe that the silly walks will really warm you up, even in this cold,” said Adam Jandora, Deputy of the Left Leg Department of the Ministry of Silly Walks.
You can get a taste of Saturday’s upcoming festivities in our video of the Silly Walk 2019 (Švihlý pochod Brnem).
Video: 8th International Day of Silly Walks in Brno, January 7, 2019. Source: Brno Daily / Facebook.
The fun starts at 2:45pm on Saturday at the Statue of Justice (Socha spravedlnosti) near Moravské náměstí. Come and show off your silly walk!
Map of Silly Walk 2020

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