Presidents Pavel and Milei on Monday afternoon. Credit: Tomas Fongus /

Czech PM Fiala and Argentine President Milei Discuss Trade and Support for Ukraine

Czech PM Petr Fiala and Argentine President Javier Milei held discussions in Prague yesterday, following which they declared support for Ukraine and economic cooperation between the Czech Republic and Argentina. The leaders told the media that experts will start working on an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation, which will strengthen mutual trade.

The free market fundamentalist economist Milei arrived in the Czech Republic from Germany, where he briefly met Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the morning.

Fiala (ODS) said he and Milei discussed the geopolitical situation and the international order at their meeting in the Kramar Villa in Prague.

“I am very happy that in basic positions, the Argentine president shares a similar position as I have long shared, which is reflected in Argentina’s support for Ukraine. This is very important because Europe needs allies,” Fiala said.

He noted that he personally supports the agreement between the EU and the South American free trade association Mercosur.

In bilateral relations, Fiala and Milei agreed on a common interest in strengthening trade cooperation in the defence industry and other sectors. Fiala thanked Milei for Argentina’s support for Czech scientists in Antarctica.

Milei is visiting the Czech Republic about six months after his election to the presidency. He and his Czech counterpart Petr Pavel discussed bilateral relations and global security at Prague Castle later in the afternoon. 

Later yesterday afternoon, Milei gave a lecture in Spanish in the Zofin Palace on How to deal with ineffective government. While he received a warm welcome and applause at the venue, several protesters gathered near the palace. Police were monitoring the situation.

Since taking office in December, Milei has announced hundreds of measures changing laws in the economic and social spheres. As part of a radical austerity programme, his government has cut thousands of jobs and reduced various subsidies and social programmes. According to Milei’s opponents, which include left-wing parties, trade unions and social organisations, his reforms will harm millions of Argentines.

In April, the Czech foreign minister visited Argentina after 13 years. The last Czech foreign minister to visit Argentina was Karel Schwarzenberg, who went there with President Vaclav Klaus in 2011.

According to the current Czech Foreign Minister, Jan Lipavsky (Pirates), the two countries are bound by strong friendship based on shared values and beneficial cooperation, among other things thanks to a strong compatriot community in Argentina. On his April trip, Lipavsky also thanked Argentina for its support for Ukraine.

According to Lipavsky, promising areas for business cooperation between the Czech Republic and Argentina include food processing, wood processing, defence, security, clean energy and cyber security. In the arms industry, according to a statement issued today by the Ministry of Defence, cooperation could involve the supply of small arms, ammunition or ground equipment in the process of modernising the Argentine armed forces.

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