
Most Czechs Prefer Diplomatic Solution To War in Ukraine, While Support For Sanctions Drops

29% of Czechs support EU membership for Ukraine. Photo credit:

Prague, Feb 27 (CTK) – Most Czechs still prefer a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine, according to a poll carried out by the Median agency for Radiozurnal, released on its website yesterday. Almost 90% of respondents said the European Union and NATO should try to settle peace through diplomatic talks. 

This is the same share as when the conflict erupted a year ago with the Russian attack on Ukraine.

The share of those supporting targeted anti-Russian sanctions dropped by 12 percentage points year-on-year, to 68%. “The preference for imposing economic sanctions has dropped from 80% to 68% in a year,” said Median director Premysl Cech.

Those opposed to sanctions were mainly those aged 45 to 59, inhabitants of smaller municipalities, and voters of the far-right Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) and presidential candidate Andrej Babis.

The poll also showed that 56% of respondents support the EU and NATO supplying arms to Ukraine. This figure was higher among students and voters of the Civic Democrats (ODS).

Only a minority (18%) supports NATO’s direct military participation in the conflict, while 76% are opposed to such a move.

A half of Czechs agree that Ukraine should join NATO or the European Union. 12% would welcome only EU membership for Ukraine, 11% support its entry into NATO, and 27% support its admission to both organisations. On the other hand, one-third of those polled are against Ukraine’s membership of NATO and the EU.

Median conducted the poll with a sample of 1,000 people over 18 on 17-18 February.

Russia launched its ground and air attack on Ukraine on 24 February 2022. So far, the conflict has claimed the lives of thousands of Ukrainian civilians and millions have been forced to leave their homes to flee from the war. 

The Russian aggression against Ukraine stirred up a massive wave of solidarity in the Czech Republic and abroad. Western leaders condemned the invasion and imposed sanctions against Russia.

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